South End Neighborhood Association Meeting
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
at 6:00PM
Meeting to be held Online
You may join by phone or online via Zoom
(Meeting also streamed live on FaceBook)
Join by telephone:
6:00 -6:30
Community Updates and Announcements
Albany Police NEU Updates
6:30 - 7:00
Estate Planning for Seniors
in the South End, Arbor Hill, West Hill, Mansion district and Sheridan Hollow
who Don't have a Will, want a Will and own their homes
Samuel Wells, Neighborhood Stabilization Coordinator City of Albany Department of Buildings & Regulatory Compliance with Partner from
Legal AidServices of Northeastern NY
7:00 - 7:30
Albany Port Expansion Update
Megan Daly, Chief Commerce Officer Port of Albany
7:30 - 8:00
- Lincoln Park Updates (Basketball Courts and Bowl)
- June29 Public Hearing for Conditional Use Permit and proposed Amendment to the Zoning Map for 91, 93, & 95 Clinton Street (91 Clinton as a restaurant) Amendment for zoning of 91, 93 & 95 from R-T(Townhouse) to MU-NE (Mixed Use, Neighborhood Edge)
- June 29 Public Meeting for Major Development Plan Review - Conversion of 9,013 square feet garage space into 7 dwelling units (76 & 80 Third Ave)
Next Meeting July 27
Meet and join in a discussion with the companies from the Port of Albany