South End Neighborhood Association Meeting
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
at 6:00PM
Meeting to be held Online
You may join by phone or online via Zoom
Join by telephone:
+1 929 436 2866
Meeting ID: 838 1925 9536
Passcode: 942717
Join online via Zoom:
6:00PM - 6:15PM
Introduction and Upcoming Public Meeting
Pressure the NYS DEC to NOT APPROVE solid waste management permit amendments to add more environmental stressors in our community
Waste Management request to change its permit to allow solid waste in the South End Transfer Station The waste transfer station should be concerning to Albany residents. You can express your opinion:
during public hearings organized by Waste Management, both on Wednesday April 29th 10-12 am and 7-9 pm. You can pre-register and provide comment at NYS DEC will make the final decision on application. Putrescible waste, GARBAGE, transfer stations does not belong in our community. Putrescible waste definition: "...a solid waste that contains organic matter capable of being decomposed by microorganisms so as to cause a malodor, gases, or other offensive conditions..."
6:15 - 6:30
Proposed South End Ambassador Program for the South End Connector Bike Trail
Hugh Johnson a Trail Ambassador for the Albany Railing trail looking to establish an Ambassador Program for the South End Connector.
6:30 - 7:15
A Grocery Store Coming Soon to the South End
Travon Jackson discussion regarding the African American Cultural Center 's role in acquiring the former McDonalds building on South Pearl Street to bring a Grocery Store to the South End with opportunities for the community to be investors. The store will be operated in partnership with El Pilon
7:15 - 8:00
Updates / Announcements
- APD Neighborhood Engagement Unit
- Albany Pre-Apprenticeship Program Out Reach and Open House
- Lincoln Park Alliance update regarding Lincoln Park redesign
- Pro Active Demolitions update
- Albany Public Library Community Conversation a community conversation series on the challenges and opportunities raised by the COVID-19 pandemic and current period of social unrest. This is a forum for local organizations to share experiences and concerns related to serving our community; what is working, what is not, and what we can learn from each other. This series is intended to provide a platform for Capital Region agencies to hear about best practices in a collective learning environment. This series arose through a partnership between Albany Public Library, the Center for Law and Justice, and Albany Medical College, out of a shared awareness for the need for resources on these topics.
- Virtual Hiring Event