The name of the organization shall be “South End Neighborhood Association” hereinafter referred to as “SENA”.
The South End Neighborhood Association shall have the following boundaries: North: Morton Ave., Warren Street, and South Ferry St.; South: S. Pearl Street Extension; East: Hudson River; West: South Hawk St.
1. Purpose
The purpose of South End Neighborhood Association (SENA) shall be to preserve and improve the quality of life for all residents in our culturally, economically, and racially diverse neighborhoods. We will promote the South end neighborhood as viable places to reside, work, and enjoy life by undertaking the following:
1. To foster and support communication among residents by encouraging neighbors to meet and help each other by identifying issues of interest and concern to the neighborhood.
2. To foster the repair, rehabilitation and restoration of sub-standard, abandoned, and historic buildings.
3. To work with State and local governments, civic and community organizations, banks, insurance companies, and other investors, both public and private.
4. To encourage the development and success of small businesses which can provide goods and services to neighborhood residents.
5. To promote public safety through partnerships with fire, police and emergency personnel.
6. To empower neighbors by providing meaningful leadership opportunities.
7. To explore partnerships with all levels of government, the city school district, faith community, businesses, and non profit organizations to provide opportunities for jobs and training, recreation and education for all residents of the South End, with an emphasis on youth, residents with disabilities and senior residents.
8. To participate with other neighborhood associations in the activities of the Council of Albany Neighborhood Associations (CANA) and the Neighborhood Resource Center (NRC).
Membership in SENA is voluntary and includes annual membership dues. Membership grants the following privileges and responsibilities:
* A vote during SENA meetings
* Eligibility to run for Board of Director positions
* Eligibility to serve as a sub-committee chair
Those residents who choose not to become member of the SENA are encouraged to attend the SENA meetings and voice their thoughts and observations, however they shall not have a vote.
Non-members may serve on sub-committees, but may not serve as the chair of a sub-committee.
Resident Member. Any individual living in the neighborhood who is interested in SENA shall be known as a resident member upon payment of dues.
Non-Resident Member. Any individual not living in the neighborhood but has an interest in promoting SENA’s purpose and objective, shall be known as a non-resident member upon payment of dues.
Business/Organization Member. Any business, which is located within the boundaries of the Association, shall be eligible for a Business Membership, whether or not the business owner resides within the boundaries of the Association. A Business Membership will have one vote upon payment of dues.
Anyone may join the SENA at any time during the year. The Secretary and the Treasurer shall process the membership before the next scheduled SENA meeting and the new Vote may participate immediately.
In the event that the association should be dissolved, the balance of all financial accounts shall be disbursed to a charitable organization within the boundaries of the Association by majority vote of all members in good standing.
Article IV – Organizational Structure and Officers
The SENA will have a standing Board of Director that will maintain the organization in a legal state of activity and solvency. Control and Management of the SENA, including its property and funds, shall be vested in the Board of Director. The President and the Treasurer must sign all official instruments of fiscal business. The Board of Director will have the following positions:
President – Duties include scheduling and presiding over all General and Special Meetings of SENA, as well as the formation and guidance of all Steering and Sub-Committees deemed necessary for the Association purposes. The President will sign all official instruments of business, including the co-signing of bank documents, and other financial agreements along with the Treasurer. The President and the Vice President will have authority to co-sign all bank drafts and only during the absence of one of the afore mentioned officers will the Treasurer have authority to co-sign bank drafts. The president will have a tie-breaking vote, when necessary, during Board of Director, General and Special Meetings of SENA. If the President leaves the position, it shall be filled by the Vice-president until the end of the current term.
Vice-President – Shall assist in the performance of the President’s duties and shall preside in the President’s absence at meetings of the Association and at meetings of the Board of Directors and shall represent the President when requested at meetings or other functions. The President and the Vice President will have authority to co-sign all bank drafts and only during the absence of one of the afore mentioned officers will the Treasurer have authority to co-sign bank drafts.
Secretary – Duties include taking meeting minutes and maintaining means of communications within the various committees and the SENA as a whole, including but not limited to: electronic means, paper and phone communications, maintaining the Roster of SENA members.
Corresponding Secretary – Shared duties with the Secretary including: preparing and sending out notices of meetings, collecting mail, general correspondence; by electronic means, paper or pone.
Treasurer – Shall be responsible for all funds including donations, the co-signing of all official instruments of business, including bank documents, and other financial agreements along with the President. The Treasurer will only have authority to co-sign bank drafts in the absence of either the President or Vice-President. The Treasurer will also maintain an accurate accounting ledger of all monies received and dispersed. The Treasurer will provide a written financial report, which includes a monthly projection of revenue and expense at all, General Meetings.
The Treasurer will present the Association’s Annual Budget to the membership at the beginning of the Associations fiscal year. The Treasurer will also present the Annual Audited Financial Statement at the end of the Association’s fiscal year, after review and approval by the President and the Board of Directors.
Article V Committees
The President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall appoint the chair of each of the standing committees.
The chairs of these committees shall be members of the Board of Directors but the other members of the committees need not be Directors. The chair of each committee (except the Executive Committee) will appoint the members of their committee.
The committees will coordinate with committees in other neighborhoods associations, to the extent possible, under the auspices of CANA.
Director of Community Outreach – The Director of Community Outreach shall direct and supervise the work of Block Captain. The Director shall be responsible for recruitment, formulation and publication of duties and providing appropriate training and support for the Block Captains. There shall be two Block Captains for each block. Block Captains may be elected at any membership meeting. Block Captains who fail to carry out their duties may be removed by the Director. When vacancies exist, the Director shall be responsible to carry out the duties of Block Captain for the vacant area until the vacancy can be filled. Within 30 days of commencement of his/her term, the Director shall call and chair a meeting of all Block Captains, in order to review and explain their duties. Thereafter, the Director shall conduct such meetings as may be necessary to assist and support the Block Captains in carrying out their duties.
Director of Beautification - The Director of Beautification shall coordinate a master plan for beautification within the SENA community, including greenery, tree care and decorative elements within the neighborhood. The Director shall also work with DGS, the City Gardener and City Forester to coordinate the care and development of any parks and playground, while also encouraging residents to plant trees, install window boxes and cultivate tree surrounds, organize the distribution of beautification materials from the city or other sources, as well as organizing neighborhood cleanups.
Director of Public Safety – The Director of Public Safety will coordinate a master evacuation plan with local police, fire and emergency service personnel to expedite prompt response to natural gas leaks, flooding incidents and natural disasters from first responders to community residents and business owners. The Director will work with the
New York State Department of Homeland Security, Albany Police and Fire Departments, National grid, local hospitals and Emergency Medical service personnel to develop a neighborhood communication network and standard protocols to respond to public safety threats from abandoned and deteriorating occupied housing in our community. The Director will also work with the City’s Code Enforcement and Zoning officials to identify potential threats, with the focus on prevention of danger, injury or harm to our community’s residents and business owners; this will include ensuring the proper maintenance of street pavement, vacant lots sidewalks, street lighting, as well as delivery conduits of natural gas and electric power to our community
Director of Fund Raising and Special Events – The Director of Fund Raising and Special Events will coordinate and plan the fund raising efforts and special events activities.
Vacancies: If a position of an officer shall become vacant during the year, in the absence of any other provision such vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board of Director. Person(s) so elected shall serve until the next election.
Removal: An officer who fails to properly perform the prescribed duties of his or her office may be removed by a majority vote of the Board of Director.
Nominations: The Board of Director will appoint a committee of three resident members appointed at least thirty days prior to the Annual meeting for the purpose of presenting a proposed slate of officers. Any SENA member in good standing may nominate from the floor when duly seconded.
Board of Director position terms shall coincide with the SENA fiscal year. These terms shall last one year in all cases. The Board of Director elections shall take place at the last SENA meeting of the fiscal year. Board of Director Officers shall be elected by a simple majority of votes present. Committee members shall take office at the beginning of the new fiscal year.
Board of Director meetings shall meet at least bi-monthly and be open to all. A majority of the Board of Director members present will constitute a quorum.
Article VI – SENA Operations
The President (or the Vice-President in the absence of the President) must call the SENA meetings to order.
Article VII– BY Laws Procedures
The Bylaws of the SENA shall be reviewed and re-adopted at the last meeting of each fiscal year. Proposed Bylaw amendments shall be distributed at least thirty (30) days before the last meeting of the fiscal year. All votes regarding bylaws amendments shall pass by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of total votes present.
The Secretary shall ensure that all members have one hard copy of the bylaws at the first meeting of each fiscal year.
Article VIII – Amendments
Proposed amendments to these Bylaws must be submitted in writing to the Secretary of the SENA at least XXXX days prior to the last meeting of the fiscal year.
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South End Neighborhood Association
South End Neighborhood Association Meeting February 25, 2025 You are invited to attend an in person meeting for the South End Neighborhood ...

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