South End Neighborhood Association Meeting
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
at 6:00PM
Meeting to be held Online
You may join by phone or online via Zoom
Join by telephone:
+1 929 436 2866
Meeting ID: 838 1925 9536
Passcode: 942717
+1 929 436 2866
Meeting ID: 838 1925 9536
Passcode: 942717
Join online via Zoom:
6:00PM - 6:15PM
Introductions Announcements
6:20 PM -8:00
South End Community Collaborative (SECC) Update
David Craft, Albany Law Community Economic Development Clinic Fellow/Staff Attorney
will be discussing community ownership. and Community Investment Trust
(Please take a few minutes to view a short video on how the Community Investment Trust model works, from Mercy Corps, the organization that Albany Law and the Community Loan Fund will be working with next spring. )
Sam Wells, Neighborhood Stabilization Coordinator City of Albany Department of Buildings & Regulatory Compliance
will be discussing the results of the Proactive Demolition Pilot project related to the Cities RISE study. Four buildings have been selected and will go through the regulatory process as a part of our pilot Proactive Demolitions program. All based on the feedback we’ve received through the community, the Shape-Up scores, and our own knowledge of these buildings and the review process. In the South End, we decided to go with two buildings......