Household Spring Cleanup
Each year Mayor Jennings announces the dates of the Household Spring Cleanup, which provides city residents with an opportunity to dispose of their excessive household trash. Only residents who live in residential dwellings with four (4) or less units and who utilize our weekly waste collection program may participate in this program.

Trash should be placed curbside, after 7p.m., the evening prior to your scheduled spring cleanup day.

If your normal collection day is Monday and you live in the South End, South of Morton Avenue or East of Delaware Avenue, your spring cleanup is on Monday, May 10, 2010.

Click here for the 2010 Household Spring Cleanup Schedule

Hazardous Waste is never accepted curbside even on spring cleanup days. Please call the Department of General Services at 434-CITY with any questions about the Household Hazardous Waste program or Click here to learn more about the Household Hazardous Waste

Please call the Department of General Services with any questions regarding the Household Spring Cleanup at 434-CITY, Monday through Friday, between 9:00am and 5:00pm.

Tulip Bulb Sale

Tulip bulbs will be pulled up on Saturday, May 15 and sold Sunday, May 16 at the Washington Park Lake House from 8am-9am. The cost is $5 a bag with approximately 25-30 bulbs per bag. Call 434-2489 for more information

Substantial Amendment to the Consolidated Plan 2008 Annual Action Plan for the CDBG- Recovery
by: ACDA 518-434-5240

As an eligible grantee to receive funds under Community Development Block Grant- Recovery (CDBG-R), the City of Albany Community Development Agency (ACDA) submitted a Substantial Amendment to the 2008 Annual Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Approval of the Substantial Amendment was granted by HUD and the ACDA received $996,140 in CDBG-R stimulus funds in August 2009.

The proposed uses of CDBG-R funds outlined in the original Substantial Amendment have since been altered. Therefore, a revised Amendment has been created and is available for review. For additional information regarding the CDBG-R program, visit the HUD website at
The revised Substantial Amendment is on file at the ACDA, 200 Henry Johnson Blvd., Albany, NY 12210, the Albany Public Library, 161 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12210, the Albany Housing Authority, 200 South Pearl Street, Albany, NY 12202 and the City of Albany website ( It may be examined or copied weekdays 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Any individual, group, or agency wishing to comment on the amendment may submit written comments to the ACDA, 200 Henry Johnson Blvd., Albany, NY 12210. All comments received before June 4, 2010 will be considered by the City of Albany prior to submission of the revised Substantial Amendment.

For more information, a public meeting will be held to discuss the changes in the City of Albany’s CDBG-R program on May 11, 2010 at 5:30 in the community room at the Albany Community Development Agency located at 200 Henry Johnson Blvd., Albany 12210.

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