Updates and Events


Albany, NY—The Albany Police Department [APD] and the Albany Police Athletic League, Inc. [APAL] are pleased to announce the first annual city-wide Bike Rodeo to be held from 10 AM-1 pm, at Albany’s Corning Preserve on Saturday, May 22, 2010.

Working in tandem with the Albany Police Department, the Albany Police Athletic League (PAL) is a juvenile crime prevention program which brings Albany’s youth, police officers and community members together during non-school hours. Each year PAL delivers safe and fun recreational, athletic and educational programs to approximately 4,000 Albany youth. To keep Albany’s youths active, involved and safe the APD and APAL are putting together the first city-wide Bike Rodeo. This event will address bicycle safety and road/traffic awareness; health; and bicycle maintenance and repair.

“Simply stated, this event is education by practice,” said Sgt. (Ret.) Ricchiuti, PAL’s Executive Director. “The goal of the 2010 Bicycle Rodeo is to provide an opportunity for participants of all ages to learn, practice, and demonstrate their bicycle handling skills in a fun, noncompetitive atmosphere. The event will teach young bicyclists the real world skills they need to ride their bicycles safely.”

“This Bike Rodeo is designed to help make children aware of bicycle safety issues and will teach parents the importance of ensuring that children are wearing a helmet every time they get on their bikes,” stated APD Deputy Chief Steve Krokoff.

The APD and APAL will be handing out and fitting the first 200 registered children with free helmets. There will be fun and educational hands-on tutorials provided by partner organizations and volunteers. Participants will be a part of demonstrations and take a “Bike Hike” with Albany Police Officers along the Hudson River. Join us for a morning of fun with a Hot Dog BBQ capping off the event.

To register for the event visit the Albany PAL website at www.albanypal.org or call (518) 458-5669. For more information about this event and others, visit the Albany PAL website at www.albanypal.org or call the office: (518)435-0392.

Spring Cleanup

If your normal collection day is Monday and you live in the South End, South of Morton Avenue or East of Delaware Avenue, your spring cleanup is on Monday, May 10, 2010.

Tulip Bulbs will be sold May 16

Library Board of Trustees and Library Budget on Ballot May 18

Attend a budget presentation and candidate forum at the Main Library on Wednesday, May 12, at 7 p.m. Library leaders will present the proposed 2011 budget, and the five trustee candidates will speak to the public..

Substantial Amendment to the Consolidated Plan 2008 Annual Action Plan for the CDBG- Recovery

Vacant Lot Project

Howe Branch of Albany Public Library Renovation Complete Open House March 27, 2010

Events in April

Dr. Martin Luther King Observance

Divas for Christ

Menu Of Resources For Technical Assistance, Rehab Financing & Home Purchases

Library Renovation Updates

Hazardous Waste

Albany County Weatherization and HEAP Programs

Volunteer Drivers - American Cancer Society

SmartWorks Senior Services

Homeowner Rehabilitation Program (HARP)

South End Parent and Community Empowerment Conference at Giffen Elementary - Notes

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South End Neighborhood Association

South End Neighborhood Association Meeting  February 25, 2025 You are invited to attend an in person meeting for the South End Neighborhood ...

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