President JoAnn Morton summarized all the preparations for the joint South End and Mansions neighborhood participation in the upcoming National Night Out event (August 7th). Vice President Mark Beaudoin said membership forms for SENA would be ready for that evening.
Kevin Grinwis and Ron Gardner explained efforts that the Albany Housing Authority was making to employ local people, women and minorities to work on construction projects that are underway in the South End. Some 200 applicants have been screened and some people have been placed.
Police Officer Matt Montesano reported there had been car larcenies (iPods and other items had been taken). One should not leave valuables within view - even visible loose change can invite theft. More vacant houses had been vandalized to extract copper pipe; constructions sites had had tools and materials stolen. Forms to register bicycles were available.
Christie Ray Marchetti of the American Cancer Society spoke of free screenings and free treatment for those without health insurance. Transportation to treatment sites was also available.
The meeting closed earlier than usual because a number of members wished to attend a program where Attorney General Andrew Cuomo was speaking.
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South End Neighborhood Association Meeting Schedule January 28, 2025 February 25, 2025 In person meeting at the John Howe Library also avail...
ABOUT ALLBANY ONLINE · Albany FreeNet is a free high-speed Wi-Fi internet service provided in the City of Albany by Tech Valley Communicatio...
Officers: JoAnn Morton - President Vacant - Vice President Travis Klami - Secretary Nellie Morton - Corresponding Secretary Vacant - Tr...
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at or
The South End Neighborhood Association welcomes you to our community and this website. Please check out the Updates and Events section for ...
ARTICLE I – NAME AND AREA The name of the organization shall be “South End Neighborhood Association” hereinafter referred to as “SENA”. Th...
Police Officer Matt Montesano's report: 1) There were a number of promotions within the leadership of the Albany Police Dept. 2) There w...