Minutes - June 24, 2008

Police Officer Matt Montesano's report: 1) There were a number of promotions within the leadership of the Albany Police Dept.
2) There were car burglaries on Third Ave and on Morton Ave.
3) It is possible to participate in Albany Police Dept's "Bicycle Lock Registration Program" - a theft prevention/recovery program - after filling out and signing a registration card and sending it to the APD. Then you place a special sticker on the left side of the bicycle. If your bike is stolen, notify the police. Bicycles with stickers on them can be stopped by law enforcement and the operator is questioned if he/she is legally authorized to operate on the bicycle. Additionally, the bicycle can be held by law enforcement if proper ownership cannot be determined at the time of the stop.

There was a discussion of how to participate as a neighborhood association in relation to the upcoming "National Night Out" (Tue. Aug 5). Should we do it jointly with the Mansion NA? In conjunction with the Lincoln Park NA? Should we hold it at the little park on Eagle St? JoAnn was going to draft letters to Sam's Club, BJ's, Rite Aid, and Price Chopper asking for donations for the BBQ and refreshments. Howe librarian Scott Jarzonbek thought it would be good if the Bookmobile could be present for the event. Mrs.Nellie Morton and Carmela Triolo volunteered to help JoAnn in preparing for the event.

Bill Rahm (Albany Fire Dept) said 3 buildings had been taken down on Delaware St. He also mentioned there had been a lot of break-ins of vacant buildings to steal copper. Aluminum siding has also been stolen. Carmela Triolo suggested making a statewide proposal to the legislature, which if enacted, would require ID-ing people selling copper.

Matt Scheidt, a new resident of the South End, residing at 76 Bassett St, appealed to SENA for help in getting a zoning variance so that he could modify/improve his property (at a hearing, his request had been "tabled" by the judge). JoAnn Morton offered to prepare a letter of support for him on behalf of SENA.

Scott Jarzonbek has recently become a board member of the Schuyler Mansion and will be representing them (as well as the library in its temporary location at the Albany Housing Authority) at SENA meetings.

Kevin Grinwis of Omni Housing reported that Ron Gardner's outreach to find qualified local contractors and work applicants for the construction projects proceeding in the South End was continuing. He had posted signs with his phone number at strategic locations and had been interviewing prospects.

Vice President Mark Beaudoin spoke of a chance encounter with Albany County District Attorney David Soares, at a Capital District Council of Churches Awards program at St.Anne's and St.John's Church. After Mark identified himself as being with SENA, Mr.Soares offered his support of a Neighborhood Watch if SENA was to initiate one. Mary Beaudoin and Noriko Chaumont might be ones to initiate such a "Walking Neighborhood Watch".

Gervacio Guevara and his son Trueon were introduced as new residents of the South End.

Regarding SENA's Job Fair, it was decided Sat. Aug 23 might be the best date and that to hold it at Rev.Covington's church might be best. Someone said it would be good to know exactly: who are the employers in the South End? For example, what are all the companies connected with the Port.

It was decided Tuesday July 22, 2008 would be the next meeting.

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