File Taxes Free, Parking, 1st Time Home Buyers

Permit Parking Update

The Council's Ad Hoc Committee on Permit Parking met this past Friday, January 27. Issues related to the system parameters set forth in the ordinance are pretty much resolved, with a little tweaking. The main issue continues to be the final designation of streets. There are two challenges to street designations: 1) the total number of parking spaces that can be designated over the three zones is capped under state law at 2,750; and 2) streets abutting commercial zoned property cannot be designated. The Ad Hoc Committee is meeting again this Friday to try and finalize street designations and have the ordinance ready for passage in February. I don't have an exact effective date, other than after June 30. Once adopted, implementing agencies need to develop guidelines and rules etc.


Free Income Tax Assistance at APL

The IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program will be providing free income tax assistance for low-income taxpayers (household income limit of $50,000) on Saturdays at the Albany Public Library Washington Avenue branch through April 14 during the tax filing season. Assistance will be on a walk-in basis, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. No appointments or reservations will be taken. AARP Tax-Aide and IRS VITA volunteers will be providing free income tax assistance for low and middle-income taxpayers (household income limit of $50,000) on Wednesdays by appointment only during the tax filing season. To make an appointment, call the Main Library Reference Department at (518) 427 - 4303.

Taxpayers must bring the following:

photo identification;
Social Security card or letter from Social Security with their Social Security Number on it;
dependents' and qualifying children's Social Security cards;
all income and interest statements (such as W-2s, 1099s, etc.);
any other materials necessary to complete their tax return(s).
For any additional information about free income tax assistance at Albany Public Library, contact the Reference Department at (518) 427-4303.


First Time Home Buyer

Thinking of buying a home? Or know someone who is? Make sure they attend one of the Affordable Housing Partnership's next Homebuyer 101 workshops scheduled for February 1 at noon and Tuesday, February 7 at 5:30 PM. This very helpful program is a great way to get a free overview of the homebuying process, grant programs and financing. Register at


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