Weatherization Program:
Home weatherization saves energy dollars, increases comfort in a home, reduces our dependence on foreign oil, revitalizes neighborhoods, and provides safe, affordable housing.
The weatherization assistance program consists of four steps.
1. Application to determine income eligibility.
2. Energy audit of the home to identify specific needs and energy saving priorities.
3. Weatherization of the home.
4. Post-weatherization inspection to assure quality and effectiveness.
The services include, but ar not limited to:
- weatherstripping and caulking around doors and windows
- cleaning, testing, repairs, or replacement of heating systems
- repair of windows and/or repair of broken windows and/or outside doors
- the addition of insulation to walls or ceilings
- refrigerator replacement where needed
- miscellaneous minor repairs
Who does the work?
Local service providers supply high-quality work performed by skilled personnel. Some providers use their own crew, and some hire local private contractors.
Is there any charge for weatherization services?
All services are provided without obligation to the occupant of the home. However, owners of rental buildings are required to invest funds toward the cost of the weatherization services.
Who is eligible for weatherization services?
Eligibility is based on household income relative to federal low-income guidelines. If a household contains a member who receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Public Assistance, Food Stamps, or Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) benefits, the household is considered automatically eligible for weatherization services.
Where can you apply?
Albany Community Action Partnership (ACAP)
333 Sheridan Ave
Albany, NY
(518) 463-3175
HEAP Program:
The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is aimed at assisting income eligivle households to defray the high cost of energy bills. The program can assist in preventing termination of services.
Who is eligible?
Households that meet government eligibility guidelines. Call your local HEAP office for current guideline information.
What information do I need?
You must bring documentation regarding proof of residence, household composition, vendor relationship, income and resources.
Please contact the local office for more information.
HEAP Office of ACAP
333 Sheridan Ave
Albany, NY
(518) 463-3175
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