Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information & Resources
March 11 Update
The COVID-19 Closure Plan and Continuation of Service Plan were devised by APL's executive team based on the best available information about the virus, its spread, and prevention measures; consultation with local municipal and health officials; and outbreak prevention and containment best practices employed by large public institutions.
The coronavirus outbreak is a rapidly changing situation. Staff and the public will be informed regularly with updates on how the library is handling the situation and when any parts of the closure or continuation of service plans are activated.
We will only implement these plans if deemed necessary.
Closure Plan
The library's executive team has determined the following Closure Plan is the best course of action in the event all branches must close due to the COVID-19 outbreak. This plan was approved unanimously by the APL Board of Trustees on March 10, 2020. All decisions will be made by the Executive Director with the guidance of the Executive Committee of the board.
Scenario A1 -- Close Specific Branches
Individual branches may be closed based on staffing levels. Staff will be deployed to other branches.
Scenario A -- Cancel Programs
All programs, meetings, and study rooms may be suspended if the outbreak worsens.
Scenario B -- Close All Locations
This scenario will be enacted once the City School District of Albany closes, or upon direction from Albany County or New York State. Once the decision is made to close all library locations, it will be implemented immediately. The decision to reopen will be made by the library's Executive Director in consultation with the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees.
Continuation of Service Plan
The Continuation of Service Plan will be put into place in the event the entire library district needs to close due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The library will continue to offer some services to patrons if closed for a period of time due to coronavirus.
Staffing to Implement Services During a Closure
Essential staff has been identified and will be in regular contact during the closure to ensure services are working as intended. This team will meet regularly and a determination will be made whether a longer closure is required.
We will remind the public that our online services will be available, even if the library is closed. In the event of a closure, book drops will be locked and patrons will be unable to return items. Late fees will be waived.
Resuming Regular Services
Regular library services will resume once the branches are reopened. The decision to reopen will be made by the Executive Director in consultation with the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees.
New York State Novel Coronavirus Hotline: (888) 364-3065
For the Latest Information about APL & Coronavirus
Please check our website for updates, or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @AlbanyNYLibrary