Neighborhood Meeting July 28

South End Neighborhood Association Meeting
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

6pm – 8pm Eastern Time

  John A. Howe Library,

105 Schuyler Street, Albany NY 12202


Opening and announcements

Aerielle Morton, Chair of National Night Out Committee,

National Night Out  Update

Scott C. Jarzombek, Executive Director, Albany Public Library,

Update regarding the Library's Clinton Street property

Monique Wahba, Executive Director, South End Improvement Corporation,

The South End Improvement Corporation is leading a block planning effort to ensure neighborhood involvement in the development of disposition plans for South End properties acquired by the Albany County Land Bank.

Amar Murphy, Director for Cure Violence,

Overview of Cure Violence Program and current work that is being done

Ruth Senchyna, South End Resident,
Memory Garden

Save the Date!!!!!!!!


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