South End Neighborhood Association September Meeting

South End Neighborhood Association Meeting
When: Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Time: 6pm – 8pm Eastern Time
Where: John A. Howe Library, 105 Schuyler Street


Opening Prayer &
Announcements & Updates
Councilmember Vivian Kornegay
   Horizon House request to increase number of beds at Elizabeth Street
   Mr. Lawrence Mokhiber - Mokhiber Liquor Store Expansion
Sherelle A. Perryman, Community Outreach Coordinator UNITED HEALTHCARE

United Healthcare Community & State partners with states to offer innovative managed care health plans for the economically disadvantaged, the medically underserved and those without the benefit of employer-funded health care coverage.  Health plans offered in 25 states and the District of Columbia, serving more than 3.8 million nationwide, which substantiates that United Healthcare Community & State is the largest Premier Public Sector organization in the country dedicated to serving the state and public program market by which we secure our pledge of helping people live healthier lives
Update from Ofcr Sturges

Updates from Community Organizations

Jenn Baumstein,   Community Engagement Coordinator (WMHT)
Discuss work that is being done with Giffen's Pre-K --> 2nd grade and how the Neighborhood Association can strengthen that work.

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