Albany City School District Community Meetings

(The information below is from the Albany School District website.  Use this  link for more details,
District seeks input to sharpen '2020 Vision'
All are invited to join Superintendent Marguerite Vanden Wyngaard, Ph.D., at community meetings in December and January to discuss the City School District of Albany’s draft roadmap for the future – “2020 Vision.”
The first meeting will be Monday, Dec. 16 from 6-8 p.m. at the Alternative Learning Center in Arbor Hill. Visit our District News section for a complete schedule and more information.
The community conversations, to be held alongside open forums for district staff members, will share details about 2020 Vision in its current form, and gather feedback to inform revisions to the roadmap. The board is expected to consider a final version of 2020 Vision at its Feb. 6 meeting.
The strategic roadmap includes a new mission, core values, vision and strategic directions to guide the district’s work to become the best urban school district in America by 2020.
Mark your calendar
Upcoming events
(visit each school's page for more listings)
12/12Albany High School Financial Aid Night, 6:30-8 p.m.
12/12Board of Education Workshop, Academy Park, 5:30 p.m. (Details)
12/12Schuyler Achievement Academy Winter Concert, 6 p.m.
12/12Montessori Magnet School Winter Concert,
7 p.m.
12/13Second-quarter interim marking period ends
12/13Thomas O'Brien Academy of Science and Technology (TOAST) Classroom Concerts, 9 a.m.
12/16Delaware Community School Winter Concerts, 2 p.m. and 6 p.m.
12/16Community conversation about "2020 Vision," draft roadmap of district future, Alternative Learning Center, 6-8 p.m. (Details)
12/16Eagle Point Elementary School Winter Concert,
7 p.m.
12/17Giffen Memorial Elementary School Technology Night,
5-6 p.m.
12/17Stephen and Harriet Myers Middle School Winter Concert, 7 p.m.
12/18Arbor Hill Elementary School Winter Concerts, 2 p.m. and 6 p.m.
12/18Thomas O'Brien Academy of Science and Technology (TOAST) Winter Concert, 7 p.m.
12/18Albany High School Winter Concert featuring Select Choir, Advanced Orchestra and Wind Ensemble, 7 p.m.
12/19Pine Hills Elementary School Winter Concert,
1 p.m. and 7 p.m.
12/19Board of Education Meeting, Schuyler Achievement Academy, 7 p.m.
12/19Giffen Memorial Elementary School Winter Concert,
5:30 p.m.
12/19Sheridan Preparatory Academy Winter Concert, 6 p.m.
12/20Sheridan Preparatory Academy Caroling on the Stairs, 9 a.m.
12/20Schuyler Achievement Academy Caroling on the Stairs, 2 p.m.
12/23-1-3Holiday Recess, no school
1/6School resumes
1/6Board of Education Meeting, Albany High School, 7 p.m.
1/8Community conversation about "2020 Vision," draft roadmap of district future, Albany School of Humanities (ASH), 6:30-8:30 p.m. (Details)
1/9Albany High School blood drive,
7:30 am.-2 p.m.
1/9Community conversation about "2020 Vision," draft roadmap of district future, Albany Housing Authority, 200 South Pearl Street, 6-8 p.m. (Details)
1/11New Scotland Elementary School Applebee's Pancake Breakfast fundraiser, Glenmont Applebee's, Route 9W, 8-10 a.m.
1/12Montessori Magnet School Skating at Swinburne,
5:15-6:45 p.m.
1/13Community conversation about "2020 Vision," draft roadmap of district future, Arbor Hill Elementary School, 6:30-8:30 p.m. (Details)
1/14Specal Education Department Parent Workshop: Planning for Your Child's Annual Review CSE Meeting, Harriet Gibbons building, 6-7:30 p.m.
1/16Pine Hills Elementary School Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration,
1 p.m.
1/16Albany High School College Information Night for sophomores and juniors and their parents, 6:30-8 p.m.
1/17Arbor Hill Elementary School Community Day, 1 p.m.
1/20Martin Luther King Jr. Day, no school
1/21Magnet Elementary School Open House, Montessori Magnet School,
9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and 6-7:30 p.m.
1/21Community conversation about "2020 Vision," draft roadmap of district future, Pine Hills Branch of the Albany Public Library, 6:30-8:30 p.m. (Details)
1/22Magnet Elementary School Open House, Albany School of Humanities (ASH),
9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and 6-7:30 p.m.
1/22New Scotland Elementary School Skating at Swinburne, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
1/23Magnet Elementary School Open House, Thomas O'Brien Academy of Science and Technology (TOAST), 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and 6-7:30 p.m.
1/23Schuyler Achievement Academy Parent Night, 5-6 p.m.
1/23Giffen Memorial Elementary School Talent Show, 6 p.m.
1/24Second quarter ends
1/27Regents exams
1/28Regents exams
1/29Regents exams
1/30Regents exams
1/31Superintendent's Conference Day, no school for students

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