Community Forums

Capital South Campus Center Community Forum
Date: Wednesday, April 4
Time: 6PM - 7PM
(Light dinner will be provided at 5:30PM)

Location: 200 South Pearl Street, Albany Housing Authority Atrium

The Honorable Carolyn McLaughlin and the Honorable Lester
Freeman ask you to join them at a public forum to present the
Capital South Campus Center.

The Albany Housing Authority, Trinity Alliance, architecture firm
CSArch, HVCC and SCCC representatives, will all be available
to provide details on the development of this South End
community project.

The public is invited to learn more and continue to provide
input about this exciting project that will allow South End
residents / neighbors to attend college close to home at the
new CSCC which will be constructed on Warren Street behind
Lincoln Towers.

Carolyn McLaughlin, President, Albany Common Council
Lester Freeman, Albany Common Council Member – 2nd Ward

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