South End Neighborhood Association (SENA)
Tuesday, Tuesday March 23, 2010
Crenshaw Memorial
7 Morton Avenue
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Meeting Agenda
Welcome ----------------------------- SENA Officer
Prayer and
Vision for Community -----Rev. John Miller
Vacant Lot Project --------- Jane Wolterding (Grand Street Community Arts)
South End Improvement Corporation
Update ----------------------Sandra Obeido
Community Update ---------- Councilman Lester Freeman
A Village Update ------------- Willie White

Howe Library Opening ----------------

Update from SENA Parnters --------
Albany Police Dept,
Albany Fire Dept.,
Albany Housing Authority,
Albany Public Library,
City of Albany Dept. of Development and Planning,
South End Improvement Corporation
Trinity Institute,

Members are encouraged to ask questions after each presenter.

Community Happenings:

1. Free Landlord Training. Invite your neighborhood's landlords to learn effective property management practices at a free workshop on Thursday, March 25 at 5:30pm at 255 Orange Street. Help your landlords provide quality housing while protecting their investment and your neighborhood. Call 434-1730 x0 to register or register online at

2. The Annual Capital Region Housing Fair will be held on Saturday, April 24, from 10 to 2 pm at the Albany Public Library, 161 Washington Avenue. This is a great opportunity for your neighbors to learn about homeownership opportunities and home preservation strategies. Lenders, attorneys, nonprofit organizations, and realtors will all be in attendance with programs to help you buy a home, fix your home or save your home from foreclosure. Free seminars will be held on foreclosure prevention, credit repair, grants, financing, tax credits and how to hire a contractor. ** This is also a chance to promote the benefits of buying a home in your neighborhood at this well-attended event. There will be a table for neighborhood brochures and flyers. Please get materials to me at 255 Orange Street, Albany, NY 12210. 434-1730.

3. Do you know of someone facing difficulties with their mortgage? The worst thing is to do nothing. Let them know about the HomeSave Coalition and our FREE clinics. HomeSave is a very active coalition of 14 organizations working to prevent foreclosures by offering education, counseling, lender negotiation and legal help to owners and tenants. Foreclosures are terrible for families and neighborhoods. If you know of homeowners that could benefit from meeting with an attorney or well-trained housing counselor, please have them call 434-1730 to register for the April 15 clinic

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South End Neighborhood Association

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